Sunday, August 2, 2009

He Lives In My Heart...

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
- 1 John 1:9

Living at college, I see many people trying to fill a void in their life with many different things. People think that a boyfriend or girlfriend, sex, alcohol, drugs, a 4.0 gpa, or whatever is going to fill the void they feel in their life and make them satisfied. But the truth is, while those things may feel good for awhile, the next morning or the next week, or the next month that those things that we have been trying to fill the void have failed. While those things appeal to our flesh, our physical being, the void can only be filled by a spiritual presence. Jesus wants to come and fill that void. He is ready to come into your heart and to cleanse you of those things that you've done, those things that you can't forgive yourself for, he can take that pain away. It is the way we are meant to live, in communion with a holy and righteous and loving God, one who will never abandon us or forsake us, even when we forsake him. He wants you, and He is the only thing that can give you what you are missing. He died for you so that all those things you've done could be brushed aside. It took the blood of Jesus, the blood of innocence, and that blood can cleanse you and bring you to the Father. And He is a perfect father, He loves you and He has a perfect plan for you. Give your life to him, it's time.


  1. Great to see a young guy that knows Keith Green. I have a daughter in college I would like you to meet. LOL

  2. Wow your post is awesome.I am a christian myself and I completely agree with your post about god.He does love us and have a perfect plan for our lives. It so cool to see another christian on blogspot and we need more!

  3. Thanks for the kind words, guys. It is so encouraging to here these things. Wayne, don't tempt me, I am trying my best to stay away from girls (and I don't have a shot without the Lord's help!) Thanks for the comments,

